11 Tips for Writing Your Stories FASTER (Writing Advice)
Learn how to write faster and be more productive. https://youtu.be/TVkEwVDVfbE
Learn how to write faster and be more productive. https://youtu.be/TVkEwVDVfbE
Becoming a writer can be intimidating, but I've got seven tips that'll boost your confidence and focus your efforts. https://youtu.be/fSTYyrZklnQ
Many new writers worry about the wrong things. Today we'll discuss six things writers should be concerned about. https://youtu.be/0_vo4OG4-_o
Writers need to stop worrying about these things… https://youtu.be/C1EXiGXJLiE
So you're writing a novel... Great! But do you know when to stop? https://youtu.be/5SHd82nbW8M
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CCgnVREWDA How do novels and short stories differ? It's more than just word count.
https://youtu.be/Q1n4xlmDtRY Setting a daily word count can motivate writers to consistently produce new work. But how much should you write every day?
https://youtu.be/IP6MvKc_qRo Everywhere you look there's writing advice. But what advice should you take? And should you always listen to titans like Stephen King and JK Rowling?