4 Tips for Writing Sequels (Fiction Writing Advice)
Planning to write a sequel? Don't make the sames mistakes I made. https://youtu.be/S8_CgUU1A7U
Planning to write a sequel? Don't make the sames mistakes I made. https://youtu.be/S8_CgUU1A7U
Learn how to send your characters to the past, future, present, and more! Get my short story "Ten-Year Photo" in Of God and Globes 2: https://amzn.to/3iATpcE https://youtu.be/sa9-tx4waio
Having trouble writing the middle of your story? Try using Pinch Points. https://youtu.be/WOA7h-TaMUU
https://youtu.be/eSz2xI3Ns54 Weak villains make for weak stories. Today I explain just how powerful your antagonists should be.