How to Write Comic Relief in Stories (Writing Advice)
Learn how to include humor and comic relief in your stories. Examples from Game of Thrones, Indiana Jones, Marvel, and more!
Learn how to include humor and comic relief in your stories. Examples from Game of Thrones, Indiana Jones, Marvel, and more!
Learn about the best villain tropes in storytelling. Examples from The Dark Knight, Star Wars, Training Day, Indiana Jones, and more!
Learn to avoid the worst types of plot holes in storytelling. Examples from Game of Thrones, Batman Begins, Rocky IV, and more!
Tone is critical. Learn why, and learn how to manage tone over the course of your stories.
Explore five new types of bad dialogue and learn how to fix them. Examples from Star Wars, Breaking Bad, Batman, Seinfeld, The Room, Troll 2, and more!
I love video game stories but hate seeing these 5 clichés.
Learn about Power Fantasies, Wish Fulfillment Stories, and whether or not they're worth writing.
Do all your characters sound the same when they talk? Learn how to distinguish character voices when it comes to dialogue.
Learn how to write dialogue for your story's ending. Examples from The Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, John Wick, Groundhog Day, and more!