10 Cliched Phrases to CUT from Your Writing
These 10 overused phrases don't belong in your writing. https://youtu.be/QlIi_tcWyBE
These 10 overused phrases don't belong in your writing. https://youtu.be/QlIi_tcWyBE
When should a scene be cut? Find out in today's video. https://youtu.be/1YOcrGkzWTw
Learn how to create and maintain tension in your stories by using two simple techniques. https://youtu.be/DnypIABmVpc
Learn how to upgrade weak verbs to stronger, punchier verbs. https://youtu.be/vrlBkigOdio
These are five types of writers you DON'T want to be. Luckily, if you are one, you can always improve. https://youtu.be/zbgf7ajzQbA
Learn how to turn a boring scene into an interesting one with these ten tips! https://youtu.be/ykKk5MwSXRo
Every writer approaches the writing process differently. Find out where to start in this video. https://youtu.be/GAXHGaseSlA
Do you need to read The Classics? Do you need to read all the hot new releases? Find out what fiction writers should read. https://youtu.be/XtJM8ThRCP0
Find out how fiction writers can learn more from what they read! https://youtu.be/TTl2peOPuQk
https://youtu.be/KjX_nx5VEV0 Verbs make your sentences powerful--but only if you pick the right ones. Here are 13 verbs to consider cutting from your writing.