The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass REVIEW (Underrated Writing Guide)
Learn about Donald Maass' forgotten writing guide The Fire in Fiction. Get The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass:
Learn about Donald Maass' forgotten writing guide The Fire in Fiction. Get The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass: The Nutshell Technique by Jill Chamberlain offers a new way of understanding plot structure. But will it help your writing? And how does it stack up against other writing… Today I discuss five common mistakes that new (and veteran) writers make--with solutions for each! The Anatomy of Story by John Truby is a challenging book on the craft of writing. But is it worth reading? And at what stage of your career should…
Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody gives novelists a taste of the writing advice that has helped screenwriters for more than a decade. But should you read it? And is it as good as Blake Snyder’s original Save the Cat book?